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Peer Reviewed / Pre-Print


Schilling, A., Tomasello, R., Henningsen-Schomers, M.R., Zankl, A., Surendra, K., Haller, M., Karl, V., Uhrig, P., Maier, A. & Krauss, P. (2020).
Analysis of continuous neuronal activity evoked by natural speech with computational corpus linguistics methods.
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience


Spörrer, M., Prochnicki, A., Tölle, R. C., Nyström, A., Esser, P. R., Homberg, M., ... & Thievessen, I.
Treatment of keratinocytes with 4-phenylbutyrate in epidermolysis bullosa: Lessons for therapies in keratin disorders.
EBioMedicine. (2019)

Gerum, R., Erpenbeck, A., Krauss, P., & Schilling, A.
Sparsity through evolutionary pruning prevents neuronal networks from overfitting.

Krauss, P., Prebeck, K., Schilling, A., & Metzner, C.
Recurrence Resonance in three-neuron motifs.
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience (2019)

Dierich, M., Hartmann, S., Dietrich, N., Moeser, P., Brede, F., Johnson Chacko, L., Tziridis, K., Schilling, A., Krauss, P., Hessler, S., Karch, S., Schrott-Fischer, A., Blumer, M., Birchmeier, C., Oliver, D., Moser, T., Schulze, H., Alzheimer, C., Leitner, M. & Huth, T.
ß-secretase BACE1 is required for normal cochlear function.
Journal of Neuroscience (2019)

Gerum, R. C., Rahlfs, H., Streb, M., Krauss, P., Grimm, J., Metzner, C., Tziridis, K., Guenther, M., Schulze, H., Kellermann, W. & Schilling, A.
Open(G)PIAS: An open-source solution for the construction of a high-precision acoustic startle response setup for tinnitus screening and threshold estimation in rodents.
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience (2019)

Schilling, A., Gerum, R. C., Krauss, P., Metzner, C., Tziridis, K., & Schulze, H.
Objective estimation of sensory thresholds based on neurophysiological parameters.
Frontiers in Neuroscience (2019)

Krauss, P., Schuster, M., Dietrich, V., Schilling, A., Schulze, H. & Metzner, C.
Weight statistics controls dynamics in recurrent neural networks.
PLoS one (2019)

Krauss, P., Zankl, A., Schilling, A., Schulze, H. & Metzner, C.
Analysis of structure and dynamics in three-neuron motifs.
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience (2019)

Traxdorf, M., Krauss, P., Schilling, A., Schulze, H. & Tziridis, K.
Microstructure of cortical activity during sleep reflects respiratory events and state of daytime vigilance.
Somnologie (2019)

Krauss, P., Schilling, A., Tziridis, K. & Schulze, H.
Modelle der Tinnitusentstehung (Models of tinnitus development).
HNO Journal (2019)


Krauss, P., Zankl, A., Schilling, A., Schulze, H. & Metzner, C.
Analysis of structure and dynamics in three-neuron motifs.
arXiv:1811.05225 (2018)

Schilling, A, Gerum, R., Krauss, P., Metzner, C., Tziridis, K. & Schulze, H.
Objective estimation of sensory thresholds based on neurophysiological parameters.
arXiv:1811.02335  (2018)

Schilling, A, Rietsch, J., Gerum, R., Schulze, H., Metzner, C. & Krauss, P.
How deep is deep enough? - Optimizing deep neural nework architecture.
arXiv:1811.01753  (2018)

Gerum, R., Rahlfs, H., Streb, M., Krauss, P., Metzner, C., Tziridis, K., Günther, M., Schulze, H., Kellermann, W. & Schilling, A.
Open(G)PIAS: An open source solution for the construction of a high-precision Acoustic-Startle-Response (ASR) setup for tinnitus screening and threshold estimation in rodents.
arXiv:1804.09667 (2018)

Krauss, P., Tziridis, K., Schilling, A. & Schulze, H.
Cross-modal stochastic resonance as a universal principle to enhance sensory processing.
Frontiers in Neuroscience (2018)

Metzner, C., Lange, J., Krauss, P., Wunderling, N., Übelacker, J., Martin, F. & Fabry, B.
Pressure-driven collective growth mechanism of planar cell colonies.
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics (2018)

Forster, J., Wendler, O., Buchhaid-Dörfler, I., Krauss, P., Schilling, A:, Sterna, E., Schulze, H., Tziridis, K.
Tinnitus development is associated with synaptopathy of inner hair cells in Mongolian gerbils.
BioRXiv (2018)

Krauss, P., Schilling, A., Bauer, J., Tziridis, K., Metzner, C., Schulze, H., Traxdorf, M. Analysis of spatiotemporal EEG patterns during human sleep: a novel approach.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (2018)

Krauss, P., Metzner, C., Schilling, A., Tziridis, K., Traxdorf, M., Wollbrink, A., Rampp, S., Pantev, C., Schulze, H.
A statistical method for analyzing and comparing spatiotemporal cortical activation patterns. 
Scientifi c Reports (2018)


Schilling A., Krauss P., Gerum R., Metzner C., Tziridis K., Schulze H.
A new statistical approach for the evaluation of gap-prepulse inhibition of the acoustic startle reflex (GPIAS) for tinnitus assessment.
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience (2017)

Krauss, P., Schulze, H., Metzner, C.
A chemical reaction network to generate random, power-law distributed time intervals.
Artificial Life (2017)

Traxdorf, M., Tziridis, K., Scherl, C., Iro, H., Haferkamp, J.
The Erlangen Questionnaire: a new 5-item screening tool for obstructive sleep apnea in a sleep clinic population–A prospective, double blinded study.
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. (2017)

Krauss, P., Metzner, C., Schilling, A., Schütz, C., Tziridis, K., Fabry, B., Schulze, H.
Adaptive stochastic resonance based on output autocorrelations.
Scientific Reports (2017)

Gollnast, D , Tziridis, K., Krauss, P., Schilling, A., Hoppe, U., Schulze, H. Analysis of Audiometric Differences of Patients with and without Tinnitus in a Large Clinical Database.
Frontiers in Neurology (2017)


Krauss P., Metzner C., Schilling A., Tziridis K., Traxdorf M., Schulze H.
A statistical method for analyzing and comparing spatiotemporal cortival activation Patterns.
arXiv (2016)

Krauss P., Schilling A., Metzner C., Tziridis K., Schulze H.
Stochastic resonance controlled upregulation of internal noise as a putative cause of tinnitus related hyperactivity.
Frontiers in Neuroscience (2016) 

Traxdorf M., Wendler O., Tziridis K., Bauer J., Scherl C.
S100B in serum and saliva: a useful invasive or non-invasive biomarker in obstructive sleep apnea?
European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences (2016) 

Tziridis, K., Buerbank, S., Eulenburg, V., Schulze, H.
The function of the glycine receptor α3 subunit in acoustic signal-in-noise detection.
European Journal of Neuroscience (2016) 

Krauss, P., Tziridis, K., Buerbank, S., Schilling, A., Schulze, H.
Curative effects of ginkgo biloba extract EGb 761 against noise trauma-induced hearing loss and tinnitus development.
Plos One (2016) 

Scherl, C., Schäfer, R., Tziridis, K., Schlabrakowski, Wendler, O.
Differential expression patterns and clinicopathologic correlation of four acetylcholine receptor subunits in squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck.
ORL (2016)


Krauss P., Metzner C., Tziridis K., Schulze H.
Adaptive stochastic resonance based on output autocorrelations.
arXiv (2015) 

Wemmert Silke, Willnecke, Vivienne, Kulas Philipp, Weber Stefanie, Lerner Cornelia, Berndt Sabrina, Wendler Olaf, Schick Bernhard.
Identification of CTNNB1 mutations, CTNNB1 amplifications, and an Axin2 splice variant in juvenile angiofibromas.
Tumor Biology (2015) 

Knör, M., Tziridis, K., Agaimy, A., Zenk, J., & Wendler, O.
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Prevalence in Nasal and Antrochoanal Polyps and Association with Clinical Data.
PloS One (2015) 

Smit, J.V., Janssen, M.L., Schulze, H., Jahanshahi, A., Van Overbeeke, J.J., Temel, Y., Stokroos, R.J..
Deep brain stimulation in tinnitus: current and future perspectives.
Brain Research (2015) 

Tziridis, K., Ahlf, S., Jeschke, M., Happel, M.F., Ohl, F.W., Schulze, H.
Noise Trauma Induced Neural Plasticity Throughout the Auditory System of Mongolian Gerbils: Differences between Tinnitus Developing and Non-Developing Animals.
Frontiers in Neurology (2015)


Schulze, H.; Tziridis, K.
Restoration of function after cortical lesion: does it require an internal template?
Neural Regeneration Research (2014)

Tziridis, K.; Korn, S.; Ahlf, S.; Schulze, H.
Protective effects of Ginkgo biloba extract EGb 761® against noise trauma-induced hearing loss and tinnitus development.
Neural Plasticity (2014)   

Depner, M.; Tziridis, K.; Hess, A.; Schulze, H.
Sensory cortex lesion triggers compensatory neuronal plasticity.
BMC Neuroscience (2014) 

Schulze, H.; Deutscher, A.; Tziridis, K.; Scheich, H.
Unilateral auditory cortex lesions impair or improve discrimination learning of amplitude modulated sounds, depending on lesion side.
PLoS One (2014)

Before 2014

Ahlf, S.; Tziridis, K.; Korn, S.; Strohmeyer, I.; Schulze, H.
Predisposition for and prevention of subjective tinnitus development.
PLoS ONE (2012) 

Tziridis, K.; Ahlf, S.; Schulze, H.
A low cost setup for behavioral audiometry in rodents.
JOVE (2012) 

Kurt, S.; Sausbier, M.; Rüttiger, L.; Brandt, N.; Moeller, C.K.; Kindler, J.; Sausbier, U.; Zimmermann, U.; van Straaten, H.; Neuhuber, W.; Engel, J.; Knipper, M.; Ruth, P.; Schulze, H.
Critical role for cochlear hair cell BK channels for coding the temporal structure and dynamic range of auditory information for central auditory processing.
FASEB (2012)  

Walter, M., Tziridis, K., Ahlf, S. and Schulze, H.
Context Dependent Auditory Thresholds Determined by Brainstem Audiometry and Prepulse Inhibition in Mongolian Gerbils.
Open Journal of Acoustics (2012)