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Prof. Dr. med. Christoph Alexiou

Head of SEON, Senior Physician at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery

E-mail: christoph.alexiou(at)

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. habil. med. Stefan Lyer

Professorshop for AI-assissted nanomaterials. Deputy Head of SEON; Head of Oncology and Imaging Unit; Biologist

E-mail: stefan.lyer(at)

PD Dr. rer. nat. Dr. habil. med. Rainer Tietze

Deputy Head of SEON; Head of Synthesis Unit; Food Chemist

E-mail: rainer.tietze(at)

Prof. Dr. Iwona Cicha

Head of Cardiovascular Nanomedicine Unit; Biologist

E-mail: iwona.cicha(at)

Dr. rer. nat. Helmut Spielvogel

Head of Pharmaceutical Production Unit; Qualified Person; Pharmacist

E-mail: helmut.spielvogel(at)

Technical Assistants

Administration / DRG Coordination


Alina Movchan B. Sc.

Masterandin, Chemikerin

Nel Schulte B. Sc.

Masterand, Nanotechnologe