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Founding event 2015

German Forum for NanoBioMedicine

At the founding event on March 04, 2015 of the German Forum for NanoBioMedicine, Prof. Christoph Alexiou, MD, gave a presentation on the current research landscape "Nanomedicine" and the corresponding locations in Germany. In addition, he presented the SEON concept.



Greek autumn

SEON, Glückstraße 10a | 14. November 2014

Lecture by Prof. Dr. med. Christoph Alexiou on the topic of "Tumor therapy with magnetic nanoparticles" followed by a laboratory tour as part of the Greek Autumn, organized by the Greek Community Erlangen e.V. in cooperation with the vhs Erlangen.
This time the Greek Autumn deals with the history of medicine from antiquity to the present day and, among other things, with Greek physicians who have made a name for themselves in medical research.


Nano World Cancer Day 2014

Rudolf-Wöhrl-Hörsaal, Erlangen | 31. Januar 2014

Cancer is one of the most common causes of death worldwide and in Germany alone 477,300 people were newly diagnosed with cancer in 2010 (Robert Koch Institute 2013). Nanotechnology/nanomedicine opens up a multitude of possibilities with the help of new imaging techniques to improve diagnosis and achieve more efficient, targeted therapy with fewer side effects. Under the auspices of the European Technology Platform (ETP) on Nanomedicine, Nano World Cancer Day 2014 was held simultaneously in 13 European cities, providing information on the latest developments in this technology in science and industry.


Impressions and program

5th EAM Symposium

Kloster Banz, Bad Staffelstein | 18.11.2013 - 20.11.2013

A highlight of the symposium will be the Nanosafe workshop on Tuesday, with an overview about the activities in EAM’s Nanosafe program (by Prof Dr. Christoph Alexiou, SEON, and Prof. Dr. Simone Schmitz-Spanke, IPASUM, both FAU) and renowned guest speakers: Prof. Dr. Ing. Lutz Mädler from IWT Bremen will talk about safe implementation of nanotechnology in the environment, PD Dr. Wolfgang Fritzsche (Jena) with a talk about Biophotonics and Prof. Dr. Holger Kress (Bayreuth), who will talk about optically controlled microparticles for highly localized chemical stimulation of cells.

Long Night of the Sciences 2013

Tumor therapy with magnetic nanoparticles



Exploring the World of Tiny Things - Career Image of a Nanoscientist

Time: 8:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.
Location: Medical Valley Center, Henkestr. 91, Lecture hall

Everything nano, or what? - Basic lecture on nanotechnology

Time: 10:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Location: Medical Valley Center, Henkestr. 91, Lecture Hall