Cardiovascular Diseases and Nanomedicine - Perspectives and Challenges
Rudolf-Wöhrl-Hörsaal, Erlangen | October 13, 2017
Cardiovascular diseases are responsible for the majority of all deaths worldwide. Nanotechnology, one of the key technologies of the 21st century, promises improved treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
On October 13, 2017, a symposium featuring leading scientists in cardiology and cardiovascular nanomedicine was held at the Rudolf Wöhrl Lecture Hall in Erlangen, Germany, and provided an overview of current diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for application in this field.
Visit of the Member of the European Parliament Monika Hohlmeier
SEON, Glückstraße 10a | July 24, 2017
Both in medicine and in politics, cross-border thinking and action are needed. "There's no such thing as can't if you want to achieve something in research," says Prof. Dr. Christoph Alexiou, head of the Section for Experimental Oncology and Nanomedicine (SEON) at the Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic - Head and Neck Surgery (Director: Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Heinrich Iro) at Erlangen University Hospital. "For the benefit of our patients, we must constantly question and overcome apparent limitations." A picture of the forward-looking work of the section was now made by MEP Monika Hohlmeier. The CSU politician was impressed by the results of the basic research, which should benefit patients in the clinic in the not too distant future.
Press release
Visit of the Mayor of Erlangen Dr. Florian Janik
SEON, Glückstraße 10a | May 23, 2017
Using magnetic nanoparticles to make chemotherapy for cancer patients more effective and less invasive - that is the goal of Prof. Dr. Christoph Alexiou and his team. In the research laboratory of the Section for Experimental Oncology and Nanomedicine (SEON) of the Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic - Head and Neck Surgery (Director: Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Heinrich Iro) of the University Hospital Erlangen, its head welcomed Erlangen's Mayor Dr. Florian Janik on May 23, 2017. He supported the idea of strengthening the Huguenot city as a scientific center of nanomedicine in Bavaria and promised to establish helpful contacts.
Visit of the Bavarian Minister of the Interior Joachim Herrmann
SEON, Glückstraße 10a | November 4, 2015
Bavarian Minister of the Interior Joachim Herrmann (1st row, 4th from right), Ingo Schötz from the Supreme Building Authority in the Bavarian Ministry of the Interior (1st row, far left) and former member of the Bavarian State Parliament Christa Matschl (2nd row, 2nd from left) were comprehensively informed about innovative nanomedicine by the SEON team and its head Prof. Dr. Christoph Alexiou (1st row, far right).
The Long Night of the Sciences 2015
The SEON concept: From basic research to the clinic.
Prof. Dr. med. Christoph Alexiou
Time: 8:30 p.m.
Location: Ulmenweg 18, Palmeria University Hospital, room 1.224, upper floor.
Time: 18:00 h to 01:00 h
Place: Ulmenweg 18, University Hospital Palmeria, ground floor
SEON, Glückstraße 10a in Erlangen | Mai 18-19, 2015
Since February 2013, SEON has been involved in the European project entitled: "Nanomedicine for target-specific imaging and treatment of arterial thrombosis: Development and initial clinical feasibility", called NanoAthero for short. NanoAthero aims to demonstrate the preliminary clinical feasibility of using nanosystems for targeted imaging and treatment of advanced arterial thrombosis in humans. A total of 16 partners from 10 European countries are conducting joint research in this area.
SEON is participating in two work packages: Design and Characterization of Nanosystems (WP1) and Preclinical Validation of Nanosystems (WP2). These work packages are closely linked and form a partnership of 10 different institutions across Europe. In this context, we are proud to host the next technical meeting of NanoAthero WP1 and WP2 partners in Erlangen. This meeting will take place on May 18-19, 2015 to discuss further research achievements and challenges, project progress and important milestones.
Nobel Laureate Prof. Dr. Gerd Binnig visits SEON
SEON, Glückstraße 10a in Erlangen | March 16, 2015
On Monday, March 16, 2015, the Nobel Prize winner in Physics, Prof. Dr. Gerd Binnig, was a guest at the Section of Experimental Oncology and Nanomedicine (SEON). Afterwards, the award-winning scientist from Frankfurt am Main also visited the Institute of Pathology (Director: Prof. Dr. Arndt Hartmann) of the University Hospital Erlangen and then gave a lecture on "Tissue Phenomics - a new Big Data approach in medicine" in the lecture hall of the ENT Clinic. "With his development of the scanning tunneling microscope, Prof. Binnig is one of the pioneers of nanomedicine," said Prof. Alexiou at the beginning of the event, which was also attended by Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Heinrich Iro, Director of the ENT Clinic, Prof. Dr. Joachim Hornegger, Vice President of FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg and Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Jürgen Schüttler, Dean of the Medical Faculty of FAU.