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Experimental Otolaryngology / Neuroscience Lab

Systemic basic research in human, animal and computational models

The Neuroscience Lab at experimental Otolaryngology of Prof. Dr. Holger Schulze adresses different topics of basic research in systemic neuroscience focusing especially on the auditory system. Sensory and cognitive aspects of hearing are worked on, both in healthy and pathological contexts. Therefore, the focus lies on hearing loss and tinnitus but also on learning induced plasticity in the auditory system or the objective sensory threshold determination. The main topics are hearing loss and tinnitus, but also learning-induced plasticity in the hearing system or the objective determination of sensory thresholds. In order to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the relevant neurophysiological mechanisms, the laboratory combines a number of methodological approaches and models, from electrophysiological recordings of neuronal activity to behavioral paradigms, from animal models to computer simulations to human studies, from basic research to translational approaches ("from bench to bed side"), from single neurons to circuits and systems.

This broad methodological orientation also enables us to maintain a wide range of collaborations with other groups. For example in the field of artificial intelligence (Prof. Dr. Andreas Maier), sleep research (PD Dr. Maximilian Traxdorf), neurolinguistics (Prof. Dr. Thomas Herbst), and method development, simulation and modelling (PD Dr. Claus Metzner). Accordingly, we maintain cooperations with members of four different faculties: the Faculty of Science, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.