Behavioral Methods:
- Shuttle-box training
- detection learning
- discrimination learning
- contingency reversal
- Acoustic startle response (ASR)
- Hearing threshold estimation
- Tinnitus screening
Computational Methods:
- Analysis of brain dynamics
- Simulation of artificial neural networks
- GPU-Computing
- Modelling
Development of novel Methods:
- Development of statistical tools
- Visualization and data-mining
- Analysis tools
- Setup-development and improvement (ASR, ABR)
Methods (from Collaborations):
- Human-MEG/ EEG (PD Dr. Rampp)
- Animal fMRI (Prof. Dr. Hess)
- Combined electrophysiology and learning (Dr. Happel)
- Molecular Methods:
- Extracellular matrix staining (Dr. Happel, Dr. Wendler)
- Immunofluorescence (Dr. Wendler)
- Polysomnography (Dr. Traxdorf)
- Psychoacoustics (Prof. Dr. Dr. Hoppe)
- Super-statistics and modelling (PD Dr. Metzner)