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Current Funding



- ELAN Zwicker-Tone as a model to identify the neural correlate of tinnitus. (ELAN-17-12-27-1-Schilling)

Fördersumme: 38.000 €


- Sivantos Entwicklung eines neuartigen hörgerätebasierten Verfahrens zur Therapie von chronischem Tinnitus

Fördersumme: 120.000 €


- NVIDIA GPU Grant Program

Fördersumme: 2 Titan Xp GPUs


- DFG:  "Identification of the neurophysiological basis of tinnitus“ (SCHU1272-12-1)

Fördersumme: 443.636 €


- Elan: „Automatization of sleep stage analysis via cluster analysis of cortical activation patterns of 3 channel EEG measurements” (ELAN-16-08-22-1-Traxdorf)

Fördersumme: 46.575 € 


- TIN-ACT: "TIN-Act: Research School for Tinnitus Assessment, Causes and Treatments“ (EU proposal 764604 - TIN-ACT)

Fördersumme: 510.748,56 €


- Schwabe:  „Characterization of the effects of Terpentrilactone on the processing of information in the auditory system: Implications for the effect of Gingko Biloba extract EGb 761 on central tinnitus.”               

Fördersumme: 27.700 €