Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. habil. med. Stefan Lyer
Professorshop for AI-assissted nanomaterials. Deputy Head of SEON; Head of Oncology and Imaging Unit; Biologist
Sektion für Experimentelle Onkologie und Nanomedizin (SEON)
Glückstraße 10a
91054 Erlangen
Education, Training and Academic Positions
Curriculum Vitae
Since 07/2022: Professorship for AI-assissted nanomaterials
at the FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg
01/2021: Teaching authorization
in the subject "Experimental Medicine
12/2020: Habilitation
at the medical faculty of the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg
Topic: "Preclinical animal models and imaging in nanomedicine"
Since 2011: Deputy Head
of the Section of Experimental Oncology and Nanomedicine (SEON) of the ENT Clinic, Head and Neck Surgery at the Universitätsklinikum Erlangen
Since 05/2008: Research associate
at the Section of Experimental Oncology and Nanomedicine (SEON) of the ENT Clinic, Head and Neck Surgery at the Universitätsklinikum
2006-2008: Research associate
in the Department of Molecular Genome Analysis at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg
2001-2006: PhD Student
at the German Cancer Research Center Heidelberg, Dept. of Molecular Genome Analysis
Topic: "Investigation of the role of DMBT1 in non-small cell lung cancer"
1995-2001: Biology diploma program
at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg (Major: Microbiology, Minors: Biochemistry, Zoology, Medical Physics and Biophysics)
Diploma thesis at the Department of Microbiology (Prof. Dr. W. Hillen): "Characterization of the response regulator DegU from Bacillus subtilis: secondary structure and interactions with DNA regions of a potential target gene"
Scientific and educational activities
Educational activity
- Lecturer: FelasaB course at the Franz Penzoldt Center
- Lecturer: Lecture "Metallic Nanoparticles in Medicine" at the Faculty of Science of FAU, organized by Prof. Kryschi
- Lecturer: Seminar series "Preparation for scientific work for physicians in the 2nd semester", at the medical faculty of FAU Erlangen/Nuremberg, organized by Prof. Schiebel
- Lecturer: Lecture "Biomedical Applications in Nanomedicine and Nanotoxicology" at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of FAU/Nuremberg
- Supervision of seminar, bachelor and master theses of the Natural Science and Technical Faculty of the FAU Erlangen/Nuremberg.
- Supervision of PhD projects from the Medical and Technical Faculty of the FAU Erlangen/Nuremberg
Scientific activity
General: Development and in vitro/in vivo application of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) for medical applications in imaging, oncology, atherosclerosis and infectious diseases
- Magnetic drug targeting in oncology.
- Magnetic Drug Targeting in Arteriosclerosis
- Integration of robotics into treatment procedures for magnetic drug targeting in the treatment of tumors and arteriosclerosis
- Development of flow phantoms for the study of physical parameters in Magnetic Drug Targeting in preparation for the use of self-learning algorithms.
- Alignment of simulations and experiments/flow tests for Magnetic Drug Targeting.
- Combination of magnetic drug targeting and magnetic hyperthermia (DFG proposal submitted).
- Magnetic resonance imaging in the field of oncology and arteriosclerosis
- Imaging of liver tumors in MRI (funded by: Manfred Roth Foundation)
- Ultrasound imaging of nanoparticles (DFG funding)
- Comparison of imaging properties/biocompatibility of different commercial nanoparticles and SEON nanoparticles (funded by: Else Kröner-Freseniusstiftung)
- Generation of cell lines in the field of ENT oncology
- Sepsis diagnostics - and treatment (funded by: Dr. Robert-Pfleger Stiftung)
- Method transfer for the approval of nanoparticles
- In vitro diagnostics of diseases, e.g. SarsCov2 antibody status
Memberships and current offices
Deputy Head of SEON
Head of Oncology and Imaging Unit
Safety Officer
S1 Project Manager
Biological Safety Officer - Radiation Clinic
Societas Physico-Medica Erlangensis
University Association Erlangen-Nuremberg e.V.
Ferrofluid Association Germany e.V.
German Platform NanoBiomedicine
Prizes and awards
2005 - Poster Award of the Falk Foundation at the International Meeting "Inflammatory Diseases of Barrier Organs", Kiel