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Pascal-Raphael Blersch

Pascal-Raphael Blersch M. Sc.

PhD Student, Biologist

Sektion für Experimentelle Onkologie und Nanomedizin (SEON)
Glückstraße 10a
91054 Erlangen


Education, Training and Academic Positions

Since 01/2022: PhD Student

In the subject Biology at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the FAU in cooperation with SEON

2018-2021: Master program Molecular and Cell Biology

at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg

2014-2018: Bachelor program Biology

at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg

2013-2014: Voluntary military service

German Armed Forces

2004-2013: General university entrance qualification

Kreisgymnasium Riedlingen

Year abroad (2010-2011) at Montgomery High School, Santa Rosa, California, USA

Supervisor: PD Dr. rer. nat. Dr. habil. med. Stefan Lyer

Aspired Degree: Dr. rer. nat.

Working title: "Etablierung eines Lebertumormodells und deren Bildgebung mittels magnetischer Nanopartikel“